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Key attributes of Rxhomeo® homeopathic single remedy Chelidonuem Majus are Gall Stones, Indigestion, Jaundice, Pneumonia.
Indications: Rxhomeo® Chelidoneum Majus has marked action in treating indigestion. There is bitter taste in mouth with nausea and vomiting. Tongue is coated thickly yellow with red edges showing imprint of teeth. Pain in stomach to the back and right shoulder blade. Pain relieved temporarily by eating. Constipation with hard stools, round like a ball or like sheep’s dung. Constipation alternates with diarrhea. It also helps in jaundice where there is constant pain under the lower and inner angle of right scapula. Yellow grey color of whole skin. Liver is sluggish with great fermentation and accumulation of gas in the abdomen.
Chelidoneum Majus is also useful in gall stone colic with sharp, lancinating pain in gall bladder region with nausea and bilious vomiting. The pain is more from touch and motion and better by pressure.
Chelidoneum Majus is also indicated in pneumonia when associated with liver affections. Lower lobe of right lung is usually affected. Dyspnoea, with quick and sharp inspiration and there is pain in the right side of chest and shoulder on inspiration. Spasmodic cough with small lumps of mucus flying from mouth when coughing.