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Key attributes of Rxhomeo® homeopathic single remedy Dulcamara are Diarrhea, Rheumatism, Skin Troubles, Tics, Warts.
Indications: Rxhomeo® Dulcamara has marked action on rheumatism from cold, damp rainy weather or sudden changes in hot weather, living or working in damp places, suppressed perspiration. The joints are inflamed, swollen and red. Aching pain, sore, lame and bruised feeling all over. Very sensitive to touch. Stiffness in back. Rheumatism alternates with diarrhea. Rheumatic symptoms after acute skin eruptions. It is also helpful in diarrhea from taking cold in damp places or during foggy weather. Yellow slimy stools with undigested food particles. It is also useful in tics, one sided spasms with speechlessness.
Dulcamara is a good remedy for vesicular erruptions with brown, humid crusts, multiple little boil like erruptions specially upon scalp with itching. The patient scratches until it bleeds, but scratching does not give relief. It also helpful in warts especially of face and back of the hand and fingers. Warts fleshy, large and smooth.
Dulcamara is also useful in fever due to exposure to damp wet weather or drenching in rain. There is profuseness of catarrhal discharges from nose which is thick and yellowish. There is burning heat all over the body with chilliness towards evening with thirst and dull headache during fever.