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Key attributes of Rxhomeo® homeopathic single remedy Glonoinum are Congestive Headache, Meningitis, Menopausal syndrome.
Indications: Glonoinum is a chief remedy for congestive headache. Headache is caused by working under gas light, when heat falls on the head or walking in sun, from heat of stove or hair cut during pregnancy and menopause. Head feels enormously large as if skull were too small for the brain and as if skull were being lifted up. Throbbing, pulsating type of headache. The patient holds the head with both hands with intense pain. Sensation of great soreness in head. Heaviness of head with rush of blood towards the head as if all blood gone to head. Sun-stoke and sun headache. Headache more from shaking, jar, stooping, lying down, sunrays. It is also useful in threatened apoplexy with cerebral congestion or alternate congestion of head and heart. Glonoinum is also useful in meningitis during dentition. Convulsion of children from cerebral congestion. The face and eyes are intensely congested and hot. During convulsion the neck and the whole body is drawn backwards. Glonoinum is also indicated in menopausal syndrome. Flush of heat at the climacteric age. If uterine haemorrhage stops suddenly there is violent headache as if all the blood rushes to the head. It is also useful in headache instead of menses.