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Key attributes of Rxhomeo® homeopathic single remedy Kali Bich are Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Coryza, Catarrh, Headache, Nose soreness, Peptic Ulcers, Post Nasal catarrh, Rheumatism, Rhinitis, Sciatica, Sinusitis.
Indications: Rxhomeo® Kali Bich is a chief remedy for many respiratory conditions. It mainly works for cold, coryza, nasal catarrh, rhinitis and sinusitis. There is soreness of the nose with pressive pain in root of nose. In sinusitis the septum is ulcerated with foetid smell, inability to breathe through the nose. There is inflammation of frontal sinus with stopped up sensation and loss of smell. There is thick, sticky, ropy, stingy tough, lumpy discharges. There is fluid mucus in clear masses and violent pain from occiput to forehead. Kali Bich also helps in tonsillitis where uvula is swollen, oedematous, of bladder like appearance. It is also indicated in bronchitis with cough violent rattling with gagging and vomiting. Cough with stringy discharge of mucus with dysnea.
Kali Bich is also useful in headache from suppressed catarrh. Headache preceeded by blurred vision. There is shifting pain from one place to another. Pain comes suddenly and goes suddenly. Pain in small spot that can be covered with the tip of finger. Headache worse from light and noise. Better by lying down.
Kali Bich also helps in peptic ulcers ie gastric and duodenal ulcers. Gastric symptoms caused due to bad effects of beer and alcohol. There is a sensation of weight in the pit of the stomach with loss of appetite and flatulence. Punched out ulcer of stomach with pain in small spots. Pain worse from eating. Along with pain there is vomiting of ropy, stringy, mucus and blood. Gastric symptoms alternate with rheumatism.
Kali Bich is also indicated in rheumatism and sciatica. It works for syphilitic rheumatism with tearing sensation in tibia with swelling and stiffness of joints. There are wandering pains. Pains fly rapidly from one place to another. Pain worse from cold and from motion. Rheumatism alternates with gastric symptoms, one appearing in the fall and the other in the spring. Kali Bich also helps in sciatica.