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MERC SOL 200C - 250 Pills

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MSRP: ₹150.00
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Product description

Key attributes of Rxhomeo® homeopathic single remedy Merc Sol are Anemia, Breath offensive, Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs, Dentition abnormal, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Fissures, Gum boils, Jaundice, Mouth ulcers, Salivation, Stomatitis, Sore throat, Surgical fever, Toothache, Ulcers, Vomiting.

  • Rxhomeo® is a leading homoeopathy brand with a presence in several countries
  • All Rxhomeo® products are manufactured according to the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India and stringent CGMP norms
  • Over the Counter (OTC) homeopathic medicine that works naturally
  • No side effects; no drug interactions
  • Can be safely used along with other medications
  • Lactose free pellets dissolve instantly

Indications: Merc Sol is a chief remedy for many respiratory conditions. It is especially indicated in sore throat of tonsillitis, quinsy, diphtheria, laryngitis or pharyngitis. There is constant desire to swallow. Uvula is swollen and elongated, bluish, red swelling with burning and putrid discharge. Profuse and offensive saliva. Tongue is large, flabby with imprint of teeth. All symptoms are worse at night. Merc Sol is also useful in bronchitis. Cough is dry, fatiguing usually coming in two paroxysms with stitching pain which extends to the back. Cough with yellow muco-purulent expectoration which may be mixed with blood with offensive breath. Cough is worse at night and from warmth of bed when lying on right side and in damp weather. Merc Sol also helps in cold. Nasal catarrh, with much sneezing, of fluent acrid corrosive discharge making the nostrils raw and ulcerated. Yellow green, foetid pus like discharge from the nose. Worse at night and from damp weather. Also useful in otorrhea or discharge from the ears. Conjunctivitis from taking cold. Merc Sol is also suitable for anemia. Profuse perspiration with nearly every complaint which gives no relief. There is tremor and trembling from least exertion. Great anguish, restlessness is constantly changing from place to place. Merc Sol also helps in mouth ulcers or stomatitis. There is bitter taste, sweetish, putrid, slimy or tenacious mucus with intense thirst and foul breath. Profuse and offensive saliva. Merc sol also helps in gum boils. Gums are swollen, painful sore, ulcerated with bleeding on least touch. Tongue is swollen, flabby with imprint of teeth with painful ulcers. Tongue coated brown, black or thickly coated, dirty yellow in case of jaundice. Merc sol is also useful in toothache. There is pulsating, tearing, lacerating pain shooting to the face or ears. Merc Sol is also indicated in diarrhea and dysentry caused due to fright and suppressed sweat. Stool is slimy, bloody, very offensive excoriating the anus. Tenesmus is not relieved after stool. Colic and fainting with creeping chilliness and thirst. Merc Sol also helps in ulcers. Every little injury suppurates. Vesicular or pustular eruptions with yellowish brownish crust and offensive discharge. Ulcers are irregular in shape with undefined edges. They have dirty look. Large ulcers bleed easily when touched and there is pain affecting the whole body. Merc Sol is useful in surgical fever and vomiting.