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Key attributes of Rxhomeo® homeopathic single remedy Staphysagria are Chalazion, Eczema, Sexual Problems, Styes, Toothache, Urinary Troubles, Warts.
Indications: Rxhomeo® Staphysagria has a marked action on various skin troubles like eczema, warts etc. There is eczema all over the body, from which oozes yellowish, acrid moisture forming crusts over it. Intolerable itching with vesicles. Scratching changes the location of itching. Staphysagria is also a chief remedy for fig warts which are dry, pedunculated or cauliflower like. Warts usually after abuse of mercury.
Staphysagria is also indicated in styes and chalazae which appear on upper eyelids or on both the eyelids. Styes one appear one after the other and when they disappear, hard nodosities are left in their place.
Staphysagria is also a chief remedy for toothache appearing during menses. Teeth are painful to the touch of food and drink, but not from biting and chewing. Toothache is worse from drawing in cold air into the mouth and from cold drinks and after eating. Teeth crumbles and decays at edges.
Staphysagria is useful in urinary troubles. There is urge to urniate but the patient has to sit at the urinal for hours before passing urine. Burning in urethra when not urinating. Urinary troubles in newly married women after coition. Staphysagria also helps in prostrate troubles in old men.
Staphysagria is also indicated in sexual problems due to sexual excess or sexual abuse. Sexual organs relaxed and atrophied. There is intolerable sexual desire and excitement and therefore the patient constantly dwells on sexual subjects and constantly thinks of sexual pleasure. It also helps in spermatorrhoea.