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Key attributes of Rxhomeo® homeopathic single remedy Thuja Occidentalis are Condylomata, Gonorrhoea, Suppurations, Urinary Affections, Warts.
Indications: Rxhomeo® Thuja Occidentalis is a chief remedy for many skin affections like condylomata, suppurations, warts etc. The skin looks very unhealthy. Warts on any part of the body with a little stalk called fig-warts, tubular warts, flat warts, black senile warts, even condylomata may be seen. Dirty brownish color of the skin, brownish-white, mottled spots on the skin. There may also be white, scaly, dry eruptions on the skin. Eruptions only on covered parts of the body. There may be suppurating pustular eruptions like small pox. Thuja Occidentalis aborts the process and prevents pitting in small pox eruptions.
Thuja Occidentalis also helps in urinary affections. There is chronic incontinence of urine from paralysis of sphincter vesicae, with gonorrhoeal urethritis. Urethral orifice is agglutinated with mucus. Burning sensation in urethra, especially in the morning and during day. Yellowish discharge from urethra.